Catalog name Description price
R-C-5466 6 arm PAA Star Polymers 6-arm PAA (Poly(acrylic acid)) star polymers are branched polymers with a six-arm architecture, where each arm consists of PAA chains.PAA is a synthetic polymer composed of acrylic acid monomer units.6-arm structure provides multiple branching points,resulting in increased molecular density and branching compared to linear PAA polymers.This branching enhances the polymers overall properties and functionality. price>
R-C-5467 3 arm P4VP Star Polymers 3-arm P4VP star polymers are a type of branched polymer consisting of a central core and three poly(4-vinylpyridine)(P4VP) arms extending from it.3-arm P4VP star polymer has a central core from which three P4VP chains extend.The core can be made of various materials,such as organic molecules or inorganic nanoparticles,depending on the desired properties and applications.The P4VP arms are composed of repeating units of 4-vinylpyridine,a vinyl monomer with a pyridine group. price>
R-C-5468 4 arm P2VP Star Polymers 4-arm P2VP star polymers are a type of branched polymer consisting of a central core and four poly(2-vinylpyridine) (P2VP) arms extending from it.the star architecture can be used to create self-assembled structures with unique morphologies, such as micelles or vesicles, which can be useful in nanotechnology and materials science. price>
R-C-5469 21 arm PS Star Polymers 21 arm PS (polystyrene) star polymers are polymers composed of a central core molecule from which 21 polymer chains radiate outwards, resembling the shape of a star. These star-like structures are formed through a process called polymerization, where monomers (individual building blocks of the polymer) react together to form long chains. price>
R-C-5470 4 arm PtBA-b-PS Star Polymers 4 arm PtBA-b-PS (polystyrene) star polymers are polymers composed of four arms radiating from a central core molecule.The specific composition of these star polymers consists of two different polymer blocks:PtBA (poly(tert-butyl acrylate)) and PS (polystyrene).Poly(tert-butyl acrylate),or PtBA, is a polymer that possesses unique properties,such as excellent film-forming ability and thermal stability.It is often used in applications such as coatings,adhesives,and encapsulation due to its desirable properties. price>
R-C-5471 6 arm PAA-b-PS Star Polymers Poly(acrylic acid)is a polymer known for its ability to exhibit pH-dependent properties. It is a polyelectrolyte and can ionize in water, making it suitable for applications in drug delivery, hydrogels, and as a polyelectrolyte in various industrial processes.The 6 arm PAA-b-PS star polymers are typically synthesized using controlled polymerization techniques to obtain precise control over the length and composition of the polymer chains. price>
R-C-5472 3 arm P4VP-b-PS Star Polymers Poly(4-vinylpyridine) is a polymer derived from the monomer 4-vinylpyridine.It is a cationic polymer that can undergo protonation and deprotonation due to the presence of the pyridine ring.P4VP is known for its ability to interact with metal ions and molecules containing anionic functional groups, making it suitable for applications such as drug delivery,catalysis,and sensing. price>
R-C-5473 21 arm P2VP-b-PS Star Polymers Poly(2-vinylpyridine)is a polymer derived from the monomer 2-vinylpyridine.It is a cationic polymer that possesses a pyridine ring,similar to P4VP.P2VP is known for its complexing abilities with metal ions and anionic species,making it useful in applications such as drug delivery,sensing,and surface modification. price>
R-C-5474 3 arm PS-b-PtBA-b-PS Star 3 arm PS-b-PtBA-b-PS star polymers offer a combination of pH responsiveness, increased surface area, and improved mechanical properties. These properties make them promising candidates for various applications, including controlled release systems, surface modification, and materials engineering. price>
R-C-5475 4 arm PS-b-PAA-b-PS Star Copolymers  4 arm PS-b-PAA-b-PS star copolymers offer a combination of pH responsiveness, increased surface area, and improved mechanical properties.These properties make them promising candidates for various applications, including controlled release systems,biomaterials,and surface modification. price>